Q: I would love to help but cannot stand for any long periods of time. Can I still volunteer?
A: Absolutely! Many days there are tasks in our office that we would appreciate help with, such as; sending Thank You cards, organizing office clutter, and filing H.E.L.P. agreements. No prior experience necessary.
Q: My Girl Scout Troop wants to volunteer as a group. Do you ever have projects that can be done after your office hours?
A: That is a possibility, and the event must be planned out at least three weeks in advance. Jobs may include assembling print materials for mailing, doing seasonal group projects (like spring clean-up of our grounds or working in our garden), or assisting our Health Equipment Lending Program with restocking. Please contact our office to schedule your group, or for more information.
Q: I’m quite a handyman and, since retirement, would love to find something to occupy a few hours each week. What options do you have for me?
A: That is something we seem to always need! The items we use regularly in our warehouse are often in need of minor repairs. Additionally, some of the donations of medical equipment need to be safety checked and sometimes need adjustments or repairs. We welcome any hours you are able to give us.
Q: I enjoy volunteering and really like to commit to a specific schedule each week/month. Do you have a need for me at Good News Project?
A: Absolutely. Our ever-growing Health Equipment Lending Program may work for you. Our lending program is open Monday through Friday, and as we have grown, we need help to keep us organized. Additionally, if you are able to handle lifting televisions and computer equipment, please consider helping out with our e-CYCLING program on Fridays.
Q: My 13-year-old needs something to do this summer and I would really like to expose them to community service. How can she get involved?
A: Our volunteer policy states that children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult in order to volunteer with us. There are many reasons… which include a bustling warehouse and dangerous forklift! We encourage parents to volunteer with their children during our weekday hours of operation OR consider involvement in our family-friendly weekend gardening (weed pulling and general garden maintenance) with your child.
Q: I occasionally find myself with an hour or two during the week, unplanned. Can I just call to see if you have anything I can help with?
A: For sure. Things change seasonally in our offices and small volunteer tasks often come up. You are welcome to call us anytime to see if opportunities exist, then decide if they are right for you.
Q: I work during the week but would still love to help. Do you have anything that I can assist with?
A: We do! Several weekends a year, we hold electronics recycling events and need help on those Saturdays. In addition, we occasionally have smaller projects that can be taken home and completed over a weekend, returned to us on Mondays. Call or stop in for more information. (715) 843-5985.