Health Equipment Lending Program
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Who can borrow equipment from the program?
A. We offer our services to everyone. There are no age, disability or residency restrictions.
Q. How do I arrange for pick-up of borrowed items?
A. Call us (715-843-5985) and let us know your need. We will talk you through our process, ask pertinent questions to find the properly sized pieces, and fill out a loan agreement over the telephone. We ask that you pick up the equipment within 3 days. We are open M-F 9am – 4pm
Q. What is a loan agreement, and why do I need one?
A. The loan agreement is a legal document between the user and Good News Project. This contract releases Good News Project from liability, acknowledging that the user understands that they are borrowing used medical equipment. It reinforces the need to return the equipment within the time period. The user (or Medical Power of Attorney) will need to sign and return the loan agreement to Good News Project in a timely manner.
Q. How long can I keep the equipment?
A. We offer short-term loans for 6 months or less. If the user needs to extend the loan, it can be renewed for one 6-month extension. If the need is long-term, it may be possible to purchase the item at the end of the 6-month loan.
Some items are only available to ‘rent’, with a requirement of a monthly payment plus a security deposit. Those items are: Knee Scooter $20 per month/ $35 Security Deposit), mobility scooters (when available) and power wheelchairs (when available). The monthly rent for the power equipment varies, based on the piece, condition of the piece and the condition of the battery). The security deposit required for those items is $50. Please call for more information about the power equipment items.
Q. Is there is cost?
A. We offer the equipment to the community at no charge, however we suggest a tax-deductible donation, per piece, to assist with the cost of running this program.
Q. Do you deliver equipment?
A. No. Sorry. You will need to make your own arrangements for the items to be picked up. We have available the names of a couple individuals who may be able to assist you, at your own expense.
For your convenience, we will soon be providing a Mobile HELP Truck that will be stopping in 11 different locations. For more information, please refer to the Mobile HELP Truck program information and schedule.