Health Equipment Lending Program Process
- Call our offices (715-843-5985), to inquire about availability of the item. You will be asked:
- What equipment piece(s) you are looking for. (We may be able to help you determine individual pieces, to the best of our abilities.)
- The weight and height of the user
- The name, address and phone number of the user
- Your name and phone number (if different than the user)
- A contractual Loan Agreement will be completed over the phone.
- A typical ‘loan’ is for 6 months or less (knee scooters are rented out by the month with a required security deposit). However, you may return the items sooner if you are done using it. The suggested donation remains the same.
- Ideally, the equipment should be picked up within the next two business days.
- You will need to make arrangements to pick up your items initially, and ensure that they are returned. In many cases, the person using the equipment is not able to be present for pickup. We have a plan in place to facilitate that circumstance.
- We suggest a monetary donation, per piece, for the use of our equipment. Your donation allows us to keep our program running. If you are unable to make a donation at pickup, perhaps you will be better able to help us when the item is returned.
- We offer a one-time loan extension for an additional 6 months, if the equipment is still needed at renewal time.
- Loan items may be available for purchase at the six month time frame, if the need is long-term.
Monetary Donation Options
Your donation for the loan of this equipment helps us to offset the expenses associated with offering this program to the community. For each item (depending on type) we suggest a tax-deductible donation. Your generosity will allow us to repair and maintain items as needed and to acquire additional in-demand items to keep our loan closet stocked.
- You may leave your payment at the time of equipment pick-up
- You can mail payment back with your signed contract
- You can click here to process an on-line donation payment.
Or you may call our office and make a credit card payment over the phone
To make your initial donation or to renew your equipment, please click “Donate.”
Note: When renewing your equipment, please include the user’s name and your phone number in the comments section to ensure proper connection. If we have any questions, we will contact you.
To learn more about the items we have available, and their cost, click below.