e-CYCLING Process

We share the responsibility for the products we buy and use, from the beginning to the end of their useful lives. Electronics have become the fastest-growing part of our waste stream today, as millions of TVs, computers and other household electronics become obsolete each year. Our e-CYCLING program allows Good News Project to help others to become good environmental stewards, by recycling their old electronics.
The process itself is relatively simple:
- A customer pulls up to the main gate to drop off their old electronics.
- A volunteer or staff member will greet the customer and tell them about our programs.
- We unload the electronics and weigh them.
- We gather some information from the customer; name, address and phone number.
- The customer pays.
- We sort all of the electronics and put them into their appropriate bins.
- On to the next customer!
Cost & Payment
We charge 49 cents per pound (starting January 2025) with all items EXCEPT:
- Smoke Detectors – Flat fee of $15 each (don’t weigh these in the wagons)
Things to Know
- Remove batteries, ink and paper from all items before recycling them.
- Make sure your items are easily accessible for staff to unload with minimal contact, preferably in the trunk/back of the vehicle.
- To enter stay on 5th St until you pass our building, then enter there before the railroad tracks
- Staff will unload/weigh your items, provide you with a total amount due, and take payment (cash or check is preferred)

What Happens to My Electronics?
Electronics recyclers registered with E-Cycle Wisconsin must comply with state and federal disposal regulations that ensure environmental safety. All items brought to us for recycling are sorted and packed before being sent directly from our secure facility to a professional recycling company in Wisconsin where they are processed in accordance to R2 and ISO 14001 standards. Recyclers will break down your electronics, reuse or recycle safe materials, and properly manage hazardous chemicals or wastes. The recycling company sends us a certificate after each shipment and proves complete and confidential destruction of sensitive equipment.
What About Data Security?
The security of your data-containing devices is very important to us! All devices that we take in through our E-Cycling program are stored in our secure facility until our next shipment is ready to be sent directly to our end recycler. Our end recycler disposes of all private information on all data-containing devices and further processes the devices’ materials in accordance with federal, state and local regulations. When a shipment is finished being processed, we receive a Certificate of Recycling, which certifies the proper destruction of those devices has been performed. You can rest assured that our secure process eliminates all risk to your recycled devices’ data.
However, some customers still may feel unsure of the process, and that is okay! If this is the case, we encourage you to remove all personal or confidential information prior to recycling. Many retailers offer this service for a small fee, or you can do it yourself.
Recycling for Businesses
Businesses wishing to e-CYCLE with us may call Eric at 715-843-5985 Ext 3 to schedule an appointment for drop-offs.
To learn more about items we accept and their cost, click below.