We are thrilled to be named the recipient of the Impact100 Greater Wausau grant in the amount of $100,000. What will this generous grant do for our organization? So glad you asked!
We will be able to hire a full time Volunteer Coordinator to assist with the tremendous growth of our local programs. This person will be key in recruiting and retaining awesome volunteers, volunteers who are the true movers and shakers of Good News Project! In addition, we can now replace our 1977 forklift, install a mechanical lift to assist with moving large TVs, and create a mobile education unit for e-CYCLING. We are humbled and amazed at the generosity of this grant opportunity. This grant will help transform our local community, both through e-CYCLING opportunities, volunteer engagement and HELP program support.
With this collaboration, we are able to support our mission of fulfilling needs at home and abroad through meaningful service opportunities.